I finished reading James Comey's book today. I needed a break from reading, so finishing this book wasn't as fast as starting it, because once I put it in my hands, I couldn't put it down; and as each day brings us into these ever present situations of daily reality and problems, I got tired. I've learned to know when to back off. I put it aside for a while, as it delved deeper and deeper into the crux of what this political field is all about. No, it wasn't a story about politics, it was a story about the sacredness of truths within these government walls, and the lies that people want to hold dear as to gain the spotlight; and most of all the falsehoods and hollowness of "loyalty" which is explained to a powerful degree...
Comey managed to lay it all out in plain sight. As he wrote, nothing he has said is classified, you can be sure of that, and what he did say had to be told, I was sure of that. As was said in this book, the press has made it perfectly clear what the truth was and is. No fake news when the majority of reporters are reporting the same thing!
And as far as Comey's relationship with Trump, Comey's based it on his relationships that go way back in his history, far beyond one president; his background in state and federal law is beyond extensive; his background is beyond reproach in knowing right from wrong, truth from lies; as he's prosecuted and represented people of notoriety and all walks of life, which I hadn't known before reading his accounts of some of these trials...some accounts are limited and brief in the telling, some are expanded and interrelated, all following a common thread...
As I neared the end of the last chapter, it's emotional content came unexpectedly, and you can be sure it makes it all worth the pleasure to read this book.