December 16, 2012

Watery World

Photograph by Donna Donato

clouds move across the sky, and reflect
what is, what was, what is to come
what becomes a watery world

laughter, love, the living, moving
green grows the edges of this world
dried leaves of brown, yellow, and golden

float the crisp edges of time
to sail away to softening realms
of watery worlds to float, to see, to live

the unfathomed depths, the heights, the space
into, onto, moving here after, by and by
strengthen the edges of falling leaves

December 12, 2012

Run Run, Run Away

You are walking slowly through the crowded sidewalks, last minute shoppers looking, looking into the stuffed display windows, but seeing a child’s eyes looking back.  What was it like, all those Christmases long ago?  What was it like being that child and seeing through her eyes?  Was Santa real, was he bringing that wished for toy; a wish you’d had all year, waiting for that morning to arrive, and hoping to see it under the tree?  Would it be there?  Would that wish come true?

I run the city streets
The gamut, down the block, to the corner, a mile

I run the country roads
Through fields of green, or frozen ice, to the end 

Take a pill - run away
Shirk a duty - run away
Drink a shot - run away

Lie in the grass; or on a dune by the sea
Sit on a curb, or a bench
Catch a breath with me

Tiptoe by a door
From the night
A dark whore
Run away
Run, run
Run away

Passing, never to come this way again 
Dark nights, street lights
Entering, never to feel this way again
Remember this scene.....

You remember a fortress, where barren trees wait to live. Life surrounds you with evergreen.

Cars pass in the night, shining through window panes.
A face is seen, within a fractured light.
The rumble of tires, you run on, on to the cracks in the pavement.  Those same cracks, stumbled over in front of a window - eyes stare back.